I didn't have to look very far for black friday deals online. I found a website Black Friday Ads 2009 which has a pletera of ads for stores. The best part is that the ads are for online, but there are also ads for in store shopping. I used this for my shopping list before I went :)

I am more for shopping in stores rather than online. Part of the fun of black friday is the craziness of the stores and waking up really early. Online buying would be a very helpful way to shop for some people, but personally I prefer going to the stores and standing in line. The online part can be good for things like kitchen or technological products because you don't have to try something on or get food in person. Most of the things that I shop for are the clothing which has to be tried on or the food type of deals that can't be done online.

These are a few of the things that I went for this year.
JCPenny for clothes, nothing specific
Meijer had magic bullets that me and my mom needed
Wal-Mart had lots of movies on sale which is perfect for christmas gifts for the people that I can't figure out what to buy.
We are also redoing our house right now so we went to Art Van and got new living room furniture and home depot for paint for all of the rooms.

That was the extent of my shopping lists. It is more for fun with my family.